

uds Open Source Tunnel Software Description

Project Address#


Note: The developer's comments only represent personal opinions. The code is open source and does not provide any additional instructions regarding the protocol.

Project Attributes#

  1. Advantages

    • Seamless integration with existing TCP proxy tools
    • Resistant to detection, reporting, and sniffing
    • Low performance overhead for plaintext mode without encryption on the intermediate device
    • The code is open source and can be modified to use DPDK, eBPF, and other technologies to achieve high throughput.
    • Targeting the weaknesses of all current firewalls (tracking connections using TCP three/four-tuple)
  2. Disadvantages

    • No resistance to binary matching when not encrypted
    • Encrypted streams may increase the firewall's attention to traffic, resulting in increased latency or packet loss, but no port blocking has occurred in a 5TB unidirectional scenario.
    • May cause DDoS mitigation mechanisms to misjudge and block traffic or reset existing connections.
  3. Toy

    The essence of this project is just the author's toy and a verification of a concept, and there are no plans for continuous maintenance.

    The reason for openness is only to provide some new ideas for the current environment.



Nowadays, there are so many circumvention protocols on the Internet, with various implementations and their own problems. Shadowsocks, as the leader of fully encrypted streams, is still the preferred choice for many people after solving the problems of active sniffing and accurate identification of random traffic. Various TLS-based tricks developed by R have also successfully hidden the personal traffic represented by a tree in a forest.

However, these protocols still have their own weaknesses in practical applications: as firewalls gradually delegate inspection, monitoring, and other functions to edge devices, the fully encrypted traffic flowing out of personal user devices is like a bright light in a community area network; ordinary users often forget about sniffing and monitoring from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology when using R's certificate theft function on the intermediate device, and eventually they are reported and expelled.

And both design ideas have a serious problem: encryption overhead. Most client devices of proxy tools often use CPUs produced nearly 5 years ago and complete physical device performance, which can easily provide the performance required for running OpenSSL encryption suites; while the server side is often a virtual host with strict performance limitations. In order to achieve higher throughput bandwidth, the mainstream configuration of 1 core and 512MB RAM has long been stretched. The commonly used programming language Golang's memory overhead makes the server side even more difficult.


Designing a protocol based on the principle of firewall traffic monitoring to reduce the encryption strength of the server became the primary goal of the project. After reviewing various open source projects, a painful fact emerged: the early proposed "Xixiang Plan" is currently the only project that bypasses firewalls from a theoretical level to access the external network.

As it stands today, such vulnerabilities are almost impossible to find, so we must start from the principle of firewall traffic monitoring. Modern firewalls and commercially available firewalls all perform traffic sniffing based on a three-tuple or more detailed four-tuple, namely:

(source IP, destination IP, destination PORT)
(source IP, source PORT, destination IP, destination PORT )

An idea emerged in our minds: if we split the original three-tuple into two different three-tuples, will the firewall still have the ability to establish associations or monitor internal packets?

Design Ideas#

We have long summarized the firewall traffic exemption rules listed in usenix23 and even more deeply. We have designed a handshake response that almost completely complies with these five rules. It is composed entirely of printable bytes, random at the character level, and low entropy at the binary level.

Considering the scenario where there may be no public IP, all connections in this design are initiated by the client, and the data is transmitted to the server and then merged.

Considering that some firewalls and rules used in some provinces, cities, and special occasions have binary matching capabilities, we have also integrated optional encryption suites in the protocol.


  • After preliminarily making the firewall ignore the TCP connection through the plaintext handshake packet, we did not continuously detect the degree of increased latency and packet loss for this three-tuple, so we cannot confirm whether there are currently undiscovered probing mechanisms when there is large traffic.

  • We have conducted large traffic tests on one side and simple tests in Quanzhou and Xinjiang, confirming connectivity, but we still cannot conduct in-depth tests in Iran and other regions.

  • After running for about 48 hours, mobile networks will directly block the connection, but we don't know what mechanism triggered it. There were no abnormalities in China Telecom and China Unicom.

  • It is unclear whether the plaintext handshake packet or the splitting of the three-tuple is effective. (Considering the possibility of AES feature cracking... I personally think both are effective)

Configuration File#



For more configuration examples, please refer to the samples directory.

Parameter Explanation#

  • alignment

    Memory alignment parameter for alignment_malloc

  • mode

    Running mode, [client, server]

  • ip

    If the running mode is client, this value represents the listening IP; if the running mode is server, this value represents the original destination IP

  • port

    If the running mode is client, this value represents the listening port; if the running mode is server, this value represents the original destination port

  • inbound-ip

    Set the IP used for the upstream link TCP connection

  • inbound-port

    Set the port used for the upstream link TCP connection

  • outbound-ip

    Set the IP used for the downstream link TCP connection

  • outbound-port

    Set the port used for the downstream link TCP connection

  • turbo

    TCP connection acceleration

  • backlog

    TCP connection backlog parameter

  • fast-open

    Enable TCP Fast Open

  • keep-alived

    Enable TCP Keep-alive

  • connect.timeout

    Set TCP timeout time

  • handshake.timeout

    Set protocol handshake timeout time

  • protocol

    Transport protocol, TCP means no encryption except for the handshake packet.

Use Cases#


Cloudflare's warp is often deployed on virtual hosts with average network quality as a tool to improve international routing. Cloudflare provides package manager installation methods for most Linux distributions.

  1. Install WARP
    Please refer to the official Cloudflare tutorial for installation instructions.

  2. Switch modes
    After successfully installing warp and registering the client, switch the client's running mode to proxy mode.

    warp-cli set-mode proxy
  3. Change the port used by warp (optional)
    In proxy mode, warp listens on port 1080 by default.

    warp-cli set-proxy-port [PORT]

    By default, warp only listens on ports on, so there is no need to worry about this socks5 port being scanned.

  4. Start the UDS server
    The configuration file is as follows:


Start the UDS server

./udss --config=config.ini
  1. Start the UDS client
inbound-ip=[remote IP]
outbound-ip=[remote IP]
  1. Connect
    Connect to socks5:// using your favorite tool.

Dante + UDS#

If it is not warp that can optimize international routing and reduce the possibility of being intercepted through Cloudflare's network, I personally prefer the lightweight Dante to create socks5 connections.

The operation process is very similar to warp and will not be repeated here.

Existing Relay Access to UDS#

Test without encrypting pure vless data flow during relay

  1. Download udss on the landing device.

  2. Set the target port of the server to the listening port of the original proxy.

  3. Download udsc on the intermediate machine.

  4. Set the client's upstream and downstream connections to correspond to the server.

  5. Set the client's listening address and port.

    If a smooth migration is required, the original port cannot be used. It is recommended to interrupt the original service and then start UDS.

  6. Start the UDS client.


uds is just a conceptual implementation and is not recommended for large-scale use in production environments. It is also not suitable for UDP over TCP transmission scenarios. If there is a need for UDP traffic, please modify the code to implement it.

All uds code is licensed under the MIT license.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.